主要論文・著書 | 主要論文
- Fukumitsu M, Saku K. Reconsidering coronary circulation in the era of LV unloading - the underlying physiology in the non-physiological setting. J Physiol. 2024 (in press). doi: 10.1113/JP286424.
- Matsushita H, Saku K, Nishikawa T, Yokota S, Sato K, Morita H, Yoshida Y, Fukumitsu M, Uemura K, KawadaT, Ken Yamaura. The impact of ECPELLA on haemodynamics and global oxygen delivery: a comprehensive simulation of biventricular failure. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2024:12:13
- Kawada T, Matsushita H, Yokota S, Yoshida Y,Fukumitsu M, Alexander J Jr, Saku K. Short-term dynamic characteristics of diuresis during exogenous pressure perturbations with and without arterial baroreflex control. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2024;326(3):R230-R241.
- Kawada T, Miyamoto T, Fukumitsu M, Saku K. Input-size dependence of the baroreflex neural arc transfer characteristics during Gaussian white noise inputs. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Phy. 2024:326(2)R121-133.
- Kawada T, Li M, Nishiura A, Yoshida Y, Yokota S, Matsushita H, Fukumitsu M, Uemura K, Alexander Joe Jr, Saku K. Acute efects of empaglifozin on open-loop barorefex function and urinary glucose excretion in rats with chronic myocardial infarction. The Journal of Physiological Sciences. 73:20 (2023).
- Oyakawa T, Fukumitsu M, Ebihara A, Shiga T. Relevance of Non-Bridging Therapy with Heparin during Temporary Interruption of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolism. Annals of Vascular Diseases. 15 (2):121-125: 2022.
- Fukumitsu M, Ariyasu R, Ishiyama M, Mochizuki T, Takeda K, Ono M, Oyakawa T, Ebihara A, Nishizawa A, Tomomatsu J, Kogawa T, Kitano S, Shiga T. Myocarditis associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors diagnosed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (*case report). International Cancer Conference Journal 2022:12(2):109-144.
- Fukumitsu M, Groeneveldt JA, Braams NJ, Groeneveldt JA, Bayoumy AA, Marcus JT, Meijboom LJ, de Man FS, Westerhof N, Bogaard HJ, Noordegraaf AV, Westerhof BE. When right ventricle pressure meets volume: the impact of arrival time of reflected waves on right ventricle load in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Journal of Physiology. 600. 10. 2327-2344. 2022.
- Fukumitsu M, Noordegraaf AV, Westerhof BE. Reply regarding “When right ventricle pressure meets volume: the impact of arrival time of reflected waves on right ventricle load in pulmonary arterial hypertension” (*letter). Journal of Physiology 600(15):3615.2022.
- Fukumitsu M, Westerhof BE, Ruigrok D, Braams NJ, Groeneveldt JA, Bayoumy AA, Marcus JT, Meijboom LJ, de Man FS, Westerhof N, Bogaard HJ, Noordegraaf AV. Early return of reflected waves increases right ventricular wall stress in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 319: H1438-1450.2020.
- Kobayashi K, Ichihara Y, Sato N, Umeda N, Fields L, Fukumitsu M, Tago Y, Ito T, Kainuma S, Podaru M, Lewis-McDougall F, Yamahara K, Uppal R, Suzuki K. On-site fabrication of Bi-layered adhesive mesenchymal stromal cell-dressings for the treatment of heart failure. Biomaterials. 209: 41-53: 2019.
- Fukumitsu M, Kawada T, Shimizu S, Turner MJ, Uemura K, Sugimachi M. The pulsatile component of left atrial pressure has little effect on pulmonary artery impedance estimation in normal rats. Physiological Reports. 6 (24): e13946: 2018.
- Fukumitsu M, Kawada T, Shimizu S, Turner MJ, Uemura K, Sugimachi M. Wave reflection correlates with pulmonary vascular wall thickening in rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension. International Journal of Cardiology. 249: 396-401: 2017.
- Fukumitsu M, Kawada T, Shimizu S, Turner MJ, Uemura K, Sugimachi M. Effects of proximal pulmonary artery occlusion on pulsatile right ventricular afterload in rats. Circulation Journal 80(9): 2010-2018:
- Fukumitsu M, Kawada T, Shimizu S, Turner MJ, Uemura K, Sugimachi M. Development of a servo pump system for in vivo loading of pathological pulmonary artery impedance on the right ventricle of normal rats. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 310(8): H973-983: 2016.
- Kawada T, Turner MJ, Shimizu S, Fukumitsu M, Kamiya A, Sugimachi M. Aortic depressor nerve stimulation does not impede dynamic characteristics of the carotid sinus baroreflex in normotensive or spontaneous hypertensive rats. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 312: R787-796: 2017.
- Kawada T, Akiyama T, Shimizu S, Fukumitsu M, Kamiya A, Sugimach M. Desipramine increases cardiac parasympathetic activity via α2-adrenergic mechanism in rats. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical. 205: 21-25: 2017.
- Shimizu S, Akiyama T, Kawada T, Sata Y, Turner MJ, Fukumitsu M, Yamamoto H, Kamiya A, Shishido T, Sugimachi Sodium ion transport participates in non-neuronal acetylcholine release in the renal cortex of anesthetized rabbits. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 67: 587-593; 2017.
- Uemura K, Inagaki M, Zheng C, Kawada T, Li M, Fukumitsu M, Sugimachi M. Acute ivabradine treatment reduces heart rate without increasing atrial fibrillation inducibility irrespective of underlying vagal activity in dogs. Heart Vessels 32: 484-494: 2016.
- Shimizu S, Kawada T, Une D, Fukumitsu M, Turner MJ, Kamiya A, Shishido T, Sugimachi M. Partial cavopulmonary assist from the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary artery improves hemodynamics in failing Fontan circulation: a theoretical analysis. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 66(3): 249-255: 2016.
- Kawada T, Shimizu S, Turner MJ, Fukumitsu M, Yamamoto H, Sugimachi M. Systematic understanding of acute effects of intravenous guanfacine on rat carotid sinus baroreflex-mediated sympathetic arterial pressure regulation. Life Sciences. 149: 72-78: 2016.
- Turner MJ, Kawada T, Shimizu S, Fukumitsu M, Sugimachi M. Differences in the dynamic baroreflex characteristics of unmyelinated and myelinated central pathways are less evident in spontaneously hypertensive rats. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 309(11): R1397-405: 2015.
- Turner MJ, Kawada T, Shimizu S, Fukumitsu M, Sugimachi M. Open-loop characteristics of the arterial baroreflex following blockade of unmyelinated baroreceptors with resiniferatoxin. Autonomic Neuroscience. 193:38-43: 2015.
- Kawada T, Sata Y, Shimizu S, Turner MJ, Fukumitsu M, Sugimachi M. Effects of tempol on baroreflex neural arc versus peripheral arc in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 308(11): R957- 64: 2015.
著書/総説 - Fukumitsu M, Noordegraaf AV and Westerhof BE. Pulmonary arterial load and its impact on the right ventricle in pulmonary hypertension. Textbook “Arterial stiffness and pulsatile hemodynamics” 2022
- Westerhof BE, Fukumitsu M and Noordegraaf AV. Pulsatile hemodynamics and ventricular-arterial interactions in the pulmonary circulation: Physiologic Concepts. Textbook “Arterial stiffness and pulsatile hemodynamics” 2022.
- Fukumitsu M and Suzuki K. Mesenchymal stem/stromal cell therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: comprehensive review of preclinical studies. Journal of Cardiology. 74(4):304-312: 2019.
- 福満雅史、朔 啓太. 「心臓力学で考える肺高血圧の病態」 心臓. 2024 (in press)
- 堀田直志、福満雅史(※責任著者) 「動脈インピーダンスからみた肺循環の理解」 循環制御. 2024(in press)
- 福満雅史、志賀太郎. 「がん関連血栓症の病態生理と治療」血液内科. 科学評論社2023
- 福満雅史、志賀太郎.「悪性腫瘍と血管疾患」循環器疾患コンプリート:血管疾患 学研メディカル秀潤社 2022
- 福満雅史、志賀太郎. 「抗腫瘍薬による薬剤性心筋症」診断と治療. 診断と治療社 Vol 110. No.12. p1557-1564.