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- Molecular Hydrogen Consumption in the Human Whole Body during Inhalation of Hydrogen Gas, International Society of Oxygen Transport to Tissues, Shimouchi A ISOTT2012(ベルギー)
- High-Throughput Separation Assay for NO Metabolites in Blood using Microfluidic Electrophoresis, Wakida S The Electrochemical Society(ホノルル)
- 呼気水素の日内変動と携帯型呼気水素計測器の使用経験 下内章人 第4回日本安定同位体・生体ガス医学応用学会(東京)
- モノクロタリン肺高血圧症ラットにおける呼気と臓器別ガス分布の相互関連 水上智恵 第4回日本安定同位体・生体ガス医学応用学会(東京)
- 安定同位体標識(13CO)ガスのトレーサー分析研究への応用 澤野誠 第4回日本安定同位体・生体ガス医学応用学会(東京)
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- 有精鶏卵の卵殻膜気孔におけるガス透過性の分子量依存性 下内章人 日本分析化学会(金沢)
- 水素水を利用した生体内活性酸素種生成の間接的定量法の開発 下内章人 日本酸化ストレス学会(徳島)
- 水素水飲水ならびに低濃度水素ガス吸入に伴う水素消費の定量 下内章人 分子状水素医学シンポジウム(東京)
- Structural basis of coagulation factor V recognition for cleavage by RVV-V(招待講演)武田壮一 17th World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology(ホノルル)
- Snake venom metalloproteinases; Structure, function and relevance to the mammalian ADAM/ADAMTS family proteins(招待講演) 武田壮一 17th World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology(ホノルル)
- Continuous monitoring of myocardial blood flow response to dynamic exercise with laser Doppler flowmetry in conscious rats and mice 土持裕胤 Experimental Biology 2012 (San Diego, USA)
- Renal and lumber sympathetic nerve activity during the development of hypertension in Dahl-salt-sensitive rats. 吉本 光佐 Experimental Biology 2012(San Diego)
- 高血圧発症に果たす交感神経活動の役割 動物実験による検証 吉本 光佐 第65回自律神経学会総会
- Rat miniature extracorporeal circulation system for studying the pathophysiology of artificial perfusion. Y Fuji, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- In vivo dynamic synchrotron imaging of coronary endothelial dysfunction in rats with early stage diabetes. M Shirai, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- Vasoconstrictive response of the rat portal vein under anaphylactic shock. H Yanagida, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- Long term measurement of renal sympathetic nerve activity and arterial pressure in twokidney and oneclip hypertensive rats. M Yoshimoto, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- Continuous monitoring of myocardial blood flow response to dynamic exercise with laser Doppler
- Flowmetry in conscious rats and mice. H Tsuchimochi, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- In vivo monitoring ACh release from cardiac vagal nerve endings in the anesthetized mice. D-Y Zhan, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- Simultaneous monitoring of myocardial interstitial serotonin(5HT)and its major metabolite 5 hydroxyindole acetic acid(5HIAA).C-K Du, 第89回日本生理学会大会
- Contribution of reuptake and enzymatic degradation to myocardial interstitial 5HT levels during Ischemiareperfusion. T Sonobe, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- Factors related to heart rate variability in aged people. K Taniguchi, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan
- Effects of local heating on acetone emanated from the skin. T Mizukami, 89th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan