National Cerebral and Cardiovascular


Department of Pharmacy

To want toTrainee

Application guidelines for pharmacy residents

At the NCVC, medical and surgical treatment is given to patients with various cardiovascular diseases including heart, brain, kidney, perinatal and metabolic diseases. The Department of Pharmacy introduced a 2-year pharmacist residency system in April 2010 for the development of pharmacists in drug therapy for cardiovascular diseases. Twenty-one pharmacists completed the program as of March 2023. Our goal is to produce specialists with detailed knowledge of drug therapy for cardiovascular diseases who will assume leadership roles in this field and who are qualified to conduct clinical research.


Residents implement basic pharmacy services and perform clinical research tasks under the guidance of pharmacy instructors (see Main staff with qualifications below). For the provision of basic pharmacy services, residents are trained in pharmaceutical skills and techniques, and participate in services provided in hospital wards as part of the medical care team (infection control team [ICT], nutritional support team [NST], bed sore care team, palliative care team). For clinical research tasks, residents select a research topic, prepare and give presentations at academic conferences, and submit papers for publication in academic journals.

For details, see below and the website of the Department of Pharmacy.

[Basic pharmacy services]

• Dispensing of oral drugs and injections
• Drug information services (collecting information on drugs and providing information to other professionals).
• Preparation (hospital preparation and preparation of special formulations).
• Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) services (measurement and evaluation of the blood concentration of drugs).
• Hospital ward services (services provided in hospital wards dedicated to circulatory diseases, participation in patient study groups).
• Team medical care (participation in ICT, NST, bed sores care team, palliative care team, and ward conferences held by physicians).
• Management of clinical trials (preparation of investigational products, clinical research coordinator tasks).

Residents receive training in a wide range of basic pharmacy services during the training period.


[Calendar]*For larger view, click the table,


[Weekly schedule of a second-year resident (example)]


[Clinical and research tasks]

Residents provide pharmaceutical care, including drug therapy evaluation and monitoring of adverse reactions, to patients in different departments, including the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and the Division of Cerebrovascular Medicine and Neurology. Through this practice, they master drug therapies for representative diseases.
Residents are also involved in designing strategies for the administration of antimicrobial agents in the ICT, prescriptions related to nutrient infusion by NST, and the administration of therapeutic agents for cardiovascular diseases based on the results of TDM.
Based on the services provided, residents select a research topic, conduct the research, and present the results at academic conferences or through other media.

Support, recording, and evaluation of training and its methods

  • The staff member responsible for training (preceptor) assesses the accomplishments of each resident yearly.
  • The preceptor supervises various aspects of the training and services provided during the training period.
  • The preceptor designs a schedule for each year and adjusts the program for each month considering the progress of each resident.


  • The training facility certified by the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences
  • Facility accepting trainees for practical training from the Japan Pharmacists Education Center
  • The training facility of Board certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist by the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences
  • Pediatric drug therapy certified pharmacist system mandatory practical training acceptance facility

Main staff and qualifications (as of July 2023)

• Certified pharmacist instructor (Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences): 2
• Certified pharmacist (Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences): 6
• Drug therapy guidance pharmacist (Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences): 1
• Nutritional support team (NST) special therapist (Japanese Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition): 2
• Board certified infection control pharmacy specialist (Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists): 4
• Board certified pharmacist in infection control (Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists): 2
• Infectious disease chemotherapy pharmacist (Japanese Society of Chemotherapy): 5
• Certified practical training pharmacist instructor (Japan Pharmacists Education Center): 8
• Certified Emergency Pharmacist (Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine): 1
• Sports pharmacist (Japan Anti-Doping Agency): 2
• Perioperative management team pharmacist (Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists): 1
• Chinese herbal medicine and crude drug certified pharmacist (Japan Pharmacist Training Center): 1
• Instructor who treats heart failure (The Japanese Circulation Society): 2
• Certified hospital pharmacist (Japan Society of Hospital Pharmacists): 1
• Outpatient cancer treatment certified pharmacist (Japanese Society of Clinical Oncology): 1
• Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology accredited CRC (Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology): 1
• NR/Supplement Advisor (Japan Clinical Nutrition Association): 1
• Medical information technician (Japan Medical Informatics Society): 1
• GCP Passport (Japan Society for Clinical Trials): 2

Stepping stone for obtaining qualifications

Pharmacists specializing in drug therapies, certified diabetes educator of Japan, nutritional support team special therapist, board certified pharmacist in infection control, infectious disease chemotherapy pharmacist, board certified nephrology pharmacy specialist, and certified educator in the prevention and treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (please see the website below) Website of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (list of organizations with certification system for pharmacists)

Note: In April 2013, a joint graduate program was created in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Kindai University. Students can obtain graduate degrees while working at our department (in a 3 or 4-year residency course) after passing the examination for the pharmacy residency and the examination for Graduate School of Pharmacy, Kindai University. Five persons graduated to date.
For details including research topics of the courses, see the website of "Cardiovascular Disease Drug Therapy Course"of Kindai University.


Achievements involving pharmacist residents


  1. 和田恭一、野島香織、中野一也、越智浩之、岡田博、小原延章、藤田知之、戸田宏一、村田欣洋、瀬口理、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣、心臓移植患者におけるエベロリムスのサーカディアンリズムについての検討、第20回日本医療薬学会年会


  1. Kyoichi Wada, Mitsutaka Takada, Hiroyuki Ochi, Hiroshi Okada, Nobuaki Kohara, Toshiaki Shishido, Yoshihiro Murata, Osamu Seguchi, Masanobu Yanase, Takeshi Nakatani, Circadian pharmacokinetics of everolimus in Japanese heart transplant recipients, 12th congress of the Asian Society of transplantation, Seoul, Korea
  2. 池田麗, 山下大輔, 堀部明美, 和田恭一, 老田章, 小原延章, 鎌倉史郎, 定常時血清中アミオダロン(AMD)濃度に対する肥満の影響について, 第21回日本医療薬学会年会, 神戸
  3. 藤末慎, 越智裕之, 和田恭一, 老田章, 小原延章, 藤田知之, 戸田宏一, 宍戸稔聡, 堀由美子, 瀬口理, 村田欣洋, 簗瀬正伸, 中谷武嗣, 左室補助人工心臓装着患者におけるリネゾリドの使用実態調査, 第21回日本医療薬学会年会, 神戸
  4. 越智裕之, 和田恭一, 藤末慎, 老田章, 小原延章, 藤田知之, 戸田宏一, 宍戸稔聡, 堀由美子, 瀬口理, 村田欣洋, 簗瀬正伸, 中谷武嗣, 左室補助人工心臓装着患者におけるリネゾリドの有効性・安全性についての検討, 第47回日本移植学会総会, 仙台


  1. 藤末慎、越智裕之、和田恭一、老田章、小原延章、宍戸稔聡、瀬口理、村田欣洋、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, 左室補助人工心臓装着患者においてリネゾリドとワルファリンの相互作用が疑われた一例, 第33回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会, 大阪
  2. 池田麗、山下大輔、堀部明美、和田恭一、老田章、小原延章、鎌倉 史郎、冨山直樹、松山賢治、 黒澤菜穂子, アミオダロン薬物動態に対する肥満と服用期間の影響について, 第33回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会, 大阪
  3. 山下大輔、 池田麗、 生駒歌織、 中蔵伊知郎、 堀部明美、 和田恭一、 老田章、 小原延章、 清水渉、 鎌倉史郎, アミオダロン塩酸塩注射剤の長期間投与における血中濃度推移と安全性に関する後ろ向き調査, 第76回日本循環器学会, 福岡
  4. 越智裕之、 藤末慎、 和田恭一、 老田章、 小原延章、 宍戸稔聡、 瀬口理、 村田欣洋、 簗瀬正伸、 中谷武嗣, 左室補助人工心臓装着患者におけるワルファリンの維持投与量に対するリネゾリドの影響, 第76回日本循環器学会, 福岡
  5. Kyoichi Wada, Hiroyuki Ochi, Mitsutaka Takada, Shin Fujisue, Junko Ochi, Sachi Matsuda, Akira Oita, Takeshi Kuwahara, Nobuaki Kohara, Toshiaki Shishido, Yumiko Hori, Tomoyuki Fujita, Koichi Toda, Yoshihiro Murata, Osamu Seguchi, Masanobu Yanase, Takeshi Nakatani, Efficacy and Safety of Linezolid for Patients with Left Ventricular Assist System, 24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Berlin, Germany


  1. 越智純子、越智裕之、和田恭一、藤末慎、中野一也、老田章、桒原 健、宍戸稔聡、堀由美子、長岡紀江、瀬口理、村田欣洋、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, Liposormal amphotericin B低用量投与が心臓移植術後の真菌感染症予防に有効であった一例, 第34回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会, 滋賀
  2. 松田紗知、和田恭一、越智裕之、平山真秀、中川舞子、老田章、桒原 健、宍戸稔聡、長岡紀江、堀由美子、瀬口理、村田欣洋、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, 心移植後にミコフェノール酸モフェチル誘発性好中球減少症をきたした2症例, 第34回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会, 滋賀
  3. Kyoichi Wada, Sachi Matuda, Junko Ochi, Kei Nakamura, Takeshi Kuwahara, Mitsutaka Takada,Toshiaki Shishido, Yumiko Hori, Michinari Hieda, Takuya Watanabe, Haruki Sunami, Takuma Sato, Yoshihiro Murata, Osamu Seguchi, Masanobu Yanase, Takeshi Nakatani, Circadian pharmacokinetics of everolimus in 16 Japanese heart transplant recipients 13th congress of the Asian Society of transplantation, Moderated Poster, Kyoto
  4. 中野一也、和田恭一、松田紗知越智純子、中村慶、桒原健、大原貴裕、宍戸稔聡、堀 由美子、稗田道成、渡邉琢也、角南春樹、佐藤 琢真、村田欣洋、瀬口理、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, LVAS装着患者及び心不全患者におけるアミオダロンの甲状腺機能異常発現頻度の調査, 第23回日本医療薬学会年会, 仙台
  5. 中川舞子、和田恭一、松田紗知越智純子、中村慶、桒原健、野上毅、山下保喜、堀由美子、稗田道成、渡邉琢也、角南春樹、佐藤琢真、村田欣洋、瀬口理、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, 難治性MRSA感染症に対してDaptomycin感受性低下を認めた1症例, 第23回日本医療薬学会年会, 仙台
  6. 松田紗知、和田恭一、中川舞子、越智純子、坂東加容子、山西香織、中村慶、桒原健、堀由美子、稗田道成、渡邊琢也、角南春樹、佐藤琢真、村田欣洋、瀬口理、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, 心移植患者におけるエベロリムス導入によるタクロリムス血中濃度と腎機能の変化, 第23回日本医療薬学会年会, 仙台
  7. 越智純子、稗田道成、松田紗知、中川舞子、坂東加容子、和田恭一、中村慶、桒原健、堀由美子、瀬口理、村田欣洋、簗瀬正伸、中谷武嗣, 左室補助人工心臓装置患者における抗血栓療法に対する薬剤師の関与, 第23回日本医療薬学会年会, 仙台


  1. 近藤昭志, 山下大輔, 佐藤友紀, 原田和彦, 小原直紘, 堀部明美, 加峯茂行, 和田恭一, 中村慶, 桑原健, HPLCによる血清中ベプリジル濃度の簡易な測定方法の検討, 日本TDM学会, 東京
  2. 寺田侑加, 坪田真帆, 関口富美子, 和田恭一, 桒原 健, 髙田充隆, 川畑篤史, Calcineurin阻害薬tacrolimusはTRPV1を介してcerulein誘起急性膵炎関連痛を増強する, 生体機能と創薬シンポジウム2014, 大阪
  3. 木下佐昌子, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 越智純子, 岩澤真紀子, 粉川俊則, 中村慶, 桒原 健, 坪井志穂, 堀由美子, 中島誠子, 角南春樹, 佐藤琢真, 瀬口理, 簗瀬正伸, 中谷武嗣, 左室補助人工心臓装着患者においてリネゾリドの使用がワルファリンコントロールに与える影響, 第24回 日本医療薬学会, 名古屋
  4. 近藤昭志, 原田和彦, 岩澤真紀子, 和田恭一, 粉川俊則, 中村慶, 桒原健, ワルファリン服用患者に対する簡便なPT-INRモニタリングと薬学的介入に関する研究, 第24回 日本医療薬学会, 名古屋
  5. 木下佐昌子, 林友鴻, 大和幹枝, 岩澤真紀子, 和田恭一, 粉川俊則, 中村慶, 安斉俊久, 桒原健, アミオダロンの適正使用推進ための甲状腺機能異常の発症要因に関する検討, 第18回日本心不全学会, 大阪
  6. 寺田侑加, 松井和樹, 坪田真帆, 関口富美子, 和田恭一, 桒原健, 髙田充隆, 川畑篤史, Calcineurin阻害薬tacrolimusはcapsaicin誘起結腸痛およびcerulein誘起急性膵炎関連痛を増強する, 126回日本薬理学会近畿部会, 和歌山
  7. 安藤久美子、山下大輔、小田亮介、岩澤真紀子、和田恭一、中村慶、粉川俊則、桒原健, 内科系心臓血管集中治療室での薬剤師の取り組み, 第68回 国立病院総合医学会, 横浜
  8. Yuka Terada, Maho Tsubota, Fumiko Sekiguchi, Kyoichi Wada, Takeshi Kuwahara, Mitsutaka Takada, Atsufumi Kawabata, Effect of tacrolimus on caerulein-induced pancreatitis related pain in mice, Pharmacology 2014, London


  1. 安藤久美子、岩澤真紀子、和田恭一、粉川俊則、中村慶、桒原健, ダプトマイシンの使用実績調査 -院内ガイドライン導入前-, 第36回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会, 和歌山
  2. 田中章友、大和幹枝、寺田侑加、和田恭一、粉川俊則、中村慶、畳谷朋子、藤垣哲彦、桒原健, 循環器疾患を有する患者の服薬アドヒアランスに関する調査, 第36回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会, 和歌山
  3. 安藤久美子、島本裕子、佐田誠、桒原健, ICUにおける薬剤師の処方介入がバンコマイシン使用状況にもたらす変化, 第30回日本環境感染学会総会・学術集会, 神戸
  4. 寺田侑加、坪田真帆、関口富美子、和田恭一、桒原健、髙田充隆、川畑篤史, 急性膵炎・膵臓痛動物モデルを用いた病態解析:T型Ca2+チャネルおよびTRP チャネルの役割, 日本薬学会第135年会
  5. 田中章友、 佐藤友紀、山下大輔、原田和彦、 新名主カオリ、小原直紘、塚本多矩、和田恭一、粉川俊則、早川直樹、 桒原健, LC/MS/MSを用いたヒト血中のシロスタゾール分析法の開発, 第37回日本血栓止血学会学術集会
  6. 寺田侑加、和田恭一、松田紗知、桒原健、川畑篤史、髙田充隆、久松恵理子、角南春樹、中島誠子、佐藤琢真、瀬口理、簗瀬正伸、福嶌教偉、中谷武嗣, 心臓移植患者におけるタクロリムスおよびエベロリムスとフルコナゾールの相互作用についての検討, 第51回日本移植学会総会
  7. 大和幹枝、和田恭一、粉川俊則、早川直樹、桒原健、安斉俊久、藤本麻依、細見光一、髙田充隆, アミオダロン誘発性甲状腺機能異常とアミオダロンおよびアミオダロン代謝物血中濃度に関する検討, 第25回日本医療薬学会年会


  1. 田中章友、和田恭一、大和幹枝、粉川俊則、早川直樹、林友鴻、安斉俊久、桒原健, アミオダロン投与による破壊性甲状腺炎の治療経過について, 第37回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会
  2. 寺田侑加、和田恭一、松田紗知、新名主カオリ、小原直紘、佐藤友紀、桒原健、川畑篤史、髙田充隆、角南春樹、中島誠子、佐藤琢真、瀬口理、簗瀬正伸、福嶌教偉、中谷武嗣, ワルファリンを増量したが目標INRに到達しなかったLVAS装着患者の1症例, 第80回日本循環器学会学術集会
  3. 中北和樹、川上大輔、小原直紘、新名主カオリ、島本裕子、和田恭一、粉川俊則、早川直樹、桒原健, 全自動前処理装置を用いたLC-MS/MS による薬物血中濃度測定法の評価, 日本薬学会 第136年会
  4. Kinoshita S, Wada K, Matsuda S, Kuwahara T, Sunami H, Sato T, Seguchi O, Yanase M, Nakatani T, Takada M, Interaction between warfarin and linezolid in patients with left ventricular assist system in Japan, Intern Med, 55: 719-724, 2016.
  5. Kinoshita S, Hayashi T, Wada K, Yamato M, Kuwahara T, Anzai T, Fujimoto M, Hosomi K, and Takada M, Risk Factors Associated with Amiodarone-induced Thyroid Dysfunction in Japan, J Arrhythm, 32: 474-480, 2016.
  6. Terada Y, Wada K, Matsuda S, Kuwahara T, Kawabata A, Takada M, Watanabe T, Nakajima S, Sato T, Seguchi O, Yanase M, Fukushima N, Nakatani T, Circadian Pharmacokinetics and Limited Sampling Strategy of Everolimus in Heart Transplant Patients, Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, in press
  7. Terada Y, Tsubota M, Sugo H, Wakitani K, Sekiguchi F, Wada K, Takada M, Oita A, Kawabata A, Tacrolimus triggers TRPV1-dependent relapse of pancreatitis-related pain in mice, Pharmacology, in press
  8. 向井優太朗,和田恭一,中北和樹,竹中裕美,宮本康二,粉川俊則,早川直樹,髙田充隆,草野研吾,桒原健,プロトロンビン時間および活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間と質量分析法を用いて測定したアピキサバン血中濃度との相関について,第63回不整脈心電学会学術大会
  9. Yuka Terada, Kyoichi Wada, Sachi Matsuda, Takeshi Kuwahara, Atsufumi Kawabata, Mitsutaka Takada, Eriko Hisamatsu, Haruki Sunami, Seiko Nakajima, Takuma Sato, Osamu Seguchi, Masanobu Yanase, Norihide Fukushima, Takeshi Nakatani. Influence of CYP3A5 polymorphism on pharmacokinetic interaction of fluconazole and tacrolimus, and effect of fluconazole on everolimus pharmacokinetics in heart transplant recipient. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society.
  10. Yuka Terada, Maho Tsubota, Fumiko Sekiguchi, Kyoichi Wada, Takeshi Kuwahara, Mitsutaka Takada, Atsufumi Kawabata. Tacrolimus causes relapse of pancreatic pain through TRPV1 activation during the recovery from cerulein-induced pancreatitis in mice. 16th World Congress on Pain.
  11. 大和幹枝, 和田恭一, 粉川俊則, 川端一功, 安斉俊久, 髙田充隆, 老田章,  アミオダロン及び代謝物血中濃度変化と甲状腺機能検査値変化に関連性が認められた1症例, 第26回日本医療薬学会年会
  12. 田中裕人、向井優太朗、中北和樹、村津直子、竹中裕美、和田恭一、川端一功、粉川俊則、髙田充隆、老田章、静脈血栓塞栓症患者におけるリバーロキサバンとエドキサバンの出血性合併症に関する比較検討、第26回日本医療薬学会年会
  13. 西野料司, 寺田侑加, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 老田章, 角南春樹, 中島誠子, 黒田健輔, 佐藤琢真, 瀬口理, 簗瀬正伸, 福嶌教偉, 心臓移植患者におけるタクロリムスとジルチアゼムの薬物動態と遺伝子多型解析に基づいた相互作用の検討, 第51回移植学会年会
  14. 宇野貴哉, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 寺田侑加, 中北和樹, 老田章, 髙田充隆, 角南 春樹, 中島誠子, 黒田健輔, 佐藤琢真, 瀬口理, 簗瀬正伸, 福嶌教偉, Ampdirect技術を応用した遺伝子型判定システムGTS-7000によるタクロリムスの代謝酵素CYP3A5の遺伝子多型測定の検討,第43回 日本臓器保存生物医学会学術集会


  1. Terada Y, Wada K, Matsuda S, Kuwahara T, Kawabata A, Takada M, Watanabe T, Nakajima S, Sato T, Seguchi O, Yanase M, Fukushima N, Nakatani T, Circadian Pharmacokinetics and Limited Sampling Strategy of Everolimus in Heart Transplant Patients, Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, 55: 1-8, 2017
  2. Terada Y, Tsubota M, Sugo H, Wakitani K, Sekiguchi F, Wada K, Takada M, Oita A, Kawabata A, Tacrolimus triggers TRPV1-dependent relapse of pancreatitis-related pain in mice, Pharmacology, 99: 281-285. 2017
  3. Yamato M , Wada K, Fujimoto M, Hosomi K, Hayashi T, Oita A, Takada M. Association between N-desethylamiodarone/amiodarone ratio and amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 73: 289-296, 2017
  4. 大和幹枝,和田恭一,林友鴻,粉川俊則,川端一功,藤本麻依,細見光一,老田章,髙田充隆, N-デスエチルアミオダロン/アミオダロン比とアミオダロン誘発性甲状腺機能障害との関連性, 第38回日本病院薬剤師会近畿学術大会
  5. 大和幹枝,和田恭一,林友鴻, 寺川伸江,川端一功,藤本麻依,細見光一,老田章,髙田充隆,血清アミオダロン及び代謝物濃度と甲状腺機能異常との関連, 第65回日本心臓病学会学術集会
  6. 中北和樹, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 老田章, 髙田充隆, 黒田健輔, 角南春樹, 中島誠子, 佐藤琢真, 瀨口理, 簗瀨正伸, 福嶌敎偉, 補助人工心臓装着症例のワルファリンによる抗凝固療法~TTR%と塞栓性及び出血性合併症の比較~, 第81回日本循環器学会学術集会
  7. 向井優太朗, 中北和樹, 宮本康二, 草野研吾, Influence of Residual Apixaban on Bleeding Complication during/after Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation, Using Mass Spectrometry Analysis, 第81回日本循環器学会学術集会
  8. 中北和樹, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 老田章, 三好英理, 堀由美子, 髙田充隆, 瀬口理, 簗瀬正伸, 福嶌教偉, 心臓移植後の免疫抑制療法中に八朔によってタクロリムスの血中濃度が上昇した1症例, 第27回日本医療薬学会年会
  9. Mukai Y, Wada K, Miyamoto K, Nakagita K, Fujimoto M, Hosomi K, Kuwahara T, Takada M, Kusano K, Oita A. The Influence of Residual Apixaban on Bleeding Complications During and After Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, Journal of Arrhythmia. In press
  10. 新名主カオリ, 中北和樹, 島本裕子, 塚本多矩, 寺川伸江, 老田章, 薬剤部における抗不整脈薬血中濃度測定の実際, 第38回日本循環制御医学会総会・学術集会
  11. 宇野貴哉, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 中北和樹, 老田章, 髙田充隆, 中島誠子, 黒田健輔, 瀬口理, 簗瀬正伸, 福嶌教偉,タクロリムスの代謝酵素CYP3A5の遺伝子多型を考慮した心臓移植患者のテーラーメード医療の検討,第53回日本移植学会総会
  12. 髙吉真弥, 和田恭一, 寺田侑加, 松田紗知, 老田章, 髙田充隆, 塩野入有希, 角南春樹, 中島誠子, 黒田健輔, 佐藤琢真, 瀨口理, 簗瀬正伸, 福嶌敎偉, 心臓移植遠隔期の結核治療中にリファブチンによるシクロスポリンの代謝誘導が疑われた1症例, 第81回日本循環器学会学術集会
  13. 髙吉真弥, 和田恭一, 松田紗知, 寺田侑加, 老田章, 髙田充隆, 瀬口理, 簗瀬正伸, 福嶌敎偉, 心臓移植遠隔期におけるカルシニューリン阻害薬タクロリムスとフルコナゾールの相互作用に及ぼすCYP3A5遺伝子多型の影響, 第27回日本医療薬学会年会


  1. Yamato M, Wada K, Hayashi T, Fujimoto M, Hosomi K, Oita A, Takada M. Association between Serum Amiodarone and N-Desethylamiodarone Concentrations and Development of Thyroid Dysfunction,Clin Drug Investig,38: 39-48, 2018
  2. Maya Takayoshi, Kyoichi Wada, Yuka Terada, Sachi Matsuda, Kazuki Nakagita, Akira Oita, Mitsutaka Takada, Aki Shionoiri, Haruki Sunami, Seiko Nakajima, Kensuke Kuroda, Takuma Sato, Osamu Seguchi, Masanobu Yanase, Norihide Fukushima, Use of Rifabutin to Treat Tuberculosis in a Cardiac Transplant Recipient: A case report, Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, in press.
  3. Kazuki Nakagita, Kyoichi Wada, Yuka Terada, Sachi Matsuda, Nobue Terakawa, Akira Oita, Mitsutaka Takada. The Effect of Fluconazole on the Pharmacokinetics of Everolimus and Tacrolimus in a Heart Transplant Recipient: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, in press.
Presentations at an international academic meeting by a resident August 22, 2016

Careers of past residents

Pharmacists who completed the residency started their careers at National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, National Hospital Organization, Teikyo University Hospital (Graduate School, Teikyo University), Osaka Medical College Hospital(Currently: Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital), Kobe University Hospital, Osaka Police Hospital, Fuso Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Insurance Pharmacy.

Application guidelines

  • Number of positions: A few (applications are currently not accepted)
  • Training period: 2 years
    : The training period may be extended to up to 4 years.
  • Eligibility: Pharmacists with a registered license or students who intend to graduate from departments of pharmaceutical sciences at universities or who complete a course (master or doctor) at graduate schools of pharmaceutical sciences by March of the year of expected acceptance.
  • Working arrangement: Part-time employee
  • Compensation: 1,560 yen per hour
  • Insurance: Social insurance, employees' pension, employment insurance
  • Transportation fee: Commuter allowance (up to 55,000 yen per month)
  • Off days: Saturdays, Sundays, official holidays, year-end and new year (December 29 to January 3)

Contact for inquiries regarding the pharmacist residency program

For details regarding the residency program or to observe the program, use the following contact information:

Ichiro Nakakura, Deputy Director of the Department of Pharmacy

For contact by e-mail, include the following information:

  • Name, contact (e-mail address)
  • Current affiliation (university or workplace)
  • Desired observation date
  • Other information

last updated : 2024/01/10

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