Research Institute
About the Research Institute
![]() | ![]() Director General: Naoki Mochizuki |
Since 1977 when the old research institute was established, we performed a variety of fields of cardiovascular research for prevention, suppression, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Our mission has been "Contribution to the happiness of people by curing cardiovascular diseases".
We moved to KENTO (K: knowledge, E: Exercise, N: Nutrition, TO: Town) from Fujishirodai in Suita city on July 1st of 2019 and started to work in the new research institute. By refreshing the working circumstances of research, we again decide to continue our reseach to fight cardiovascular diseases that restrict the quality of lives. We face the problem with aging society and need to improve the quality of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we need to decrease the number of the patients by developing new methods for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Now we feel that we should reconsider how we perform innovation in our research field by completely resetting our way of thinking or by reestablishing new strategy based our accumulated knowledge and experience.
We hope that we here assemble not only researchers but also knowledge and data stored until now. We do our best as researchers who have privilege to work here in the one of National Center supported by the ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
last updated : 2023/05/16