


  1. Methylight法を用いて、流血中のDNAメチル化をエイジング、喫煙、飲酒マーカーとして利用する試みを行った。
  2. miRNAのプロファイルによる管腔構造の分類を可能にし、腎臓近位尿細管障害マーカーとして利用する試みを行った。
  3. 薬剤性の大腸炎において、アラキドン酸の摂取が炎症を増悪させることを見出した。
  4. T cell, B cellの成熟分化の過程でmiR-182の発現が大きく誘導されるが、KO mouseを用いた検討より、miR-182は無くてもこれらの成熟分化に影響を及ぼさないことを確認した。
  5. 酪酸菌と食物繊維を同時に投与することで、腸管内での酪酸の産生が高まり、これが肝臓でのペルオキシソームの増殖促進につながることを見出した。
  1. Endo K, Li JW, Nakanishi M, Asada T, Ikesue M, Goto Y, Fukushima Y, Iwai N. Establishment of the MethyLight Assay for Assessing Aging, Cigarette Smoking, and Alcohol Consumption. BioMed Research International. 2015, 451981, 2015.
  2. Kito N, Endo K, Ikesue M, Weng HC, Iwai N. miRNA Profiles of Tubular Cells: Diagnosis of Kidney Injury. BioMed Research International. 2015, 465479, 2015.
  3. Naito Y, Ji X, Tachibana S, Aoki S, Furuya M, Tazura Y, Miyazawa D, Harauma A, Moriguchi T, Nagata T, Iwai N, Ohara N. Effects of arachidonic acid intake on inflammatory reactions in dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in rats. British Journal of Nutrition. 114, 734-745, 2015.
  4. Pucella JN, Yen WF, Kim MV, van der Veeken J, Socci ND, Naito Y, Li MO, Iwai N, Chaudhuri J. miR-182 Is Largely Dispensable for Adaptive Immunity: Lack of Correlation between Expression and Function. The Journal of Immunology. 194, 2635-2642, 2015.
  5. Weng HC, Endo K, Li JW, Kito N, Iwai N. Induction of Peroxisomes by Butyrate-Producing Probiotics. PLOS ONE. 10, , 2015.
  6. Yui K, Imataka G, Nakamura H, Ohara N, Naito Y. Eicosanoids Derived From Arachidonic Acid and Their Family Prostaglandins and Cyclooxygenase in Psychiatric Disorders. Current Neuropharmacology. 13, 776-785, 2015.
  7. Aoki, S Iwai A, Kawata K, Muramatsu D, Uchiyama H, Okabe M, Ikesue M, Maeda N, Uede T. Oral administration of the Aureobasidium pullulans-derived β-glucan effectively prevents the development of high fat diet-induced fatty liver in mice. Scientific Reports.. 5, 10457, 2015.
  8. Aoki, S Iwai A, Kawata K, Muramatsu D, Uchiyama H, Okabe M, Ikesue M, Maeda N, Uede T. Oral administration of the β-glucan produced by Aureobasidium pullulans ameliorates development of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E deficient mice. Journal of Functional Foods.. 18, 22-27, 2015.
  9. Endo, T Ito, K Morimoto, J Kanayama, M Ota, D Ikesue, M Kon, S Takahashi, D Onodera, T Iwasaki, N Uede, T. Syndecan 4 Regulation of the Development of Autoimmune Arthritis in Mice by Modulating B Cell Migration and Germinal Center Formation. Arthritis & Rheumatology.. 67, 2012-2022, 2015.