




  1. 被災地における心不全患者の在宅療法に関する研究(H26-医療-指定-001(復興))
  2. 大規模災害における循環器病診療の体制と手法の確立に関する多施設共同研究(H24-循環器等(生習)-一般-009)


  1. 社会的要因を含む生活習慣病リスク要因の解明を目指した国民代表集団の大規模コホート研究:NIPPON DATA80/90/2010 (H25-循環器等(生習)-指定-022)
  2. 循環器疾患における集団間の健康格差の実態把握とその対策を目的とした大規模コホート共同研究 (H26-循環器等(政策)-一般-001)


  1. 特定健診・保健指導における健診項目等の見直しに関する研究(H25-循環器等(生習)-一般-013)


  1. non-HDL等血中脂質評価指針及び脂質標準化システムの構築と基盤整備に関する研究 (H25-循環器等(生習)-一般-015)


  1. 遺伝性不整脈疾患の診断基準・重症度分類・診療ガイドライン等の作成に関する研究 (H26-難治等(難)-一般-040)
  2. 原発性高脂血症に関する調査研究 (H26-難治等(難)-一般-056)
  3. 乳児特発性僧帽弁腱索断裂の病態解明と治療法の確立に関する総合的研究 (H26-難治等(難)-一般-020)


  1. 循環器疾患の発症予測・重症化予測に基づいた診療体系に関する研究 (H26-循環器等実用化-一般-001)
  2. 日本人糖尿病の合併症重症度評価パネルの確立と重症化予防の為の効果的医療連携体制の構築(H26-循環器等実用化-一般-015)
  3. 脳卒中急性期医療の地域格差の可視化と縮小に関する研究(H25-心筋-一般-002)


  1. 創薬支援のためのバイオリソースデータベースのネットワーク整備と政策・倫理課題に関する研究 (H25-創薬-指定-008)


  1. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患と冠動脈動脈硬化の共通リスク要因に関する国際比較研究(基盤研究B、課題番号:24390174)
  2. 大規模コホートに基づく循環器発症リスクスコア開発と新規バイオマーカーの有用性研究(基盤研究C、課題番号:23590835)
  3. DPC情報を用いた脳卒中大規模データベースによるベンチマーキングに関する研究(基盤研究C、課題番号:25293314)
  4. ニコチン酸及びその代謝関連酵素の血中濃度と循環器疾患リスクに関する地域疫学研究  (基盤研究C、課題番号:20533003)
  5. 循環器疾患の予防に向けた性差に基づく脂質管理に関する研究(基盤研究C、課題番号:26460789)


  1. Tsukinoki R, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Kokubo Y, Higashiyama A, Nishimura K, Takegami M, Murakami Y, Okayama A, Miyamoto Y. Blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and incidences of coronary artery disease and ischemic stroke in Japanese: the Suita study. Am J of Hypertens. 2014;27(11):1362-9.
  2. Sugiyama D, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Okuda N, Nakamura Y, Hozawa A, Kita Y, Kadota A, Murakami Y, Miyamatsu N, Ohkubo T, Hayakawa T, Miyamoto Y, Miura K, Okayama A, Ueshima H. Risk of Hypercholesterolemia in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and the Population Attributable Fraction in a 24-year Japanese Cohort Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2014.
  3. Sugiyama D, Higashiyama A, Wakabayashi I, Kubota Y, Adachi Y, Hayashibe A, Kawamura K, Kuwabara K, Nishimura K, Kadota A, Nishida Y, Hirata T, Imano H, Miyamatsu N, Miyamoto Y, Sawamura T, Okamura T. The Relationship between Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 Ligands Containing Apolipoprotein B and the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index in Healthy Community Inhabitants: The KOBE Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2014. (in press)
  4. Sakamoto Y, Kokubo Y, Toyoda K, Watanabe M, Tanigawa T, Miyamoto Y. Sleep-disordered breathing is associated with elevated human atrial natriuretic peptide levels in a Japanese urban population: the Suita study. International journal of cardiology. 2014;173(2):334-5.
  5. Nishimura K, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Nakai M, Takegami M, Higashiyama A, Kokubo Y, Okayama A, Miyamoto Y. Predicting coronary heart disease using risk factor categories for a Japanese urban population, and comparison with the framingham risk score: the suita study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2014;21(8):784-98.
  6. Kubota Y, Higashiyama A, et al. Serum polyunsaturated fatty acid composition and serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels in healthy Japanese residents: the KOBE study. J Nutr Health Aging (2014 in press)
  7. Kosaka T, Ono T, Yoshimuta Y, Kida M, Kikui M, Nokubi T, Maeda Y, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Miyamoto Y. The effect of periodontal status and occlusal support on masticatory performance: the Suita study. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2014;41(5):497-503.
  8. Iwashima Y, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Yoshimuta Y, Kida M, Kosaka T, Maeda Y, Kawano Y, Miyamoto Y. Additive interaction of oral health disorders on risk of hypertension in a Japanese urban population: the Suita Study. American journal of hypertension. 2014;27(5):710-9.
  9. Inohara T, Kohsaka S, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Nakamura Y, Higashiyama A, Kadota A, Okuda N, Murakami Y, Ohkubo T, Miura K, Okayama A, Ueshima H, Group NDR. Cumulative impact of axial, structural, and repolarization ECG findings on long-term cardiovascular mortality among healthy individuals in Japan: National Integrated Project for Prospective Observation of Non-Communicable Disease and its Trends in the Aged, 1980 and 1990. European journal of preventive cardiology. 2014;21(12):1501-8.
  10. Higashiyama A, Kubota Y, Marumo M, Konishi M, Yamashita Y, Nishimura K, Fukuda Y, Okamura T, Wakabayashi I. Association between serum long-chain n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid profiles and glomerular filtration rate assessed by serum creatinine and cystatin C levels in Japanese community-dwellers. Journal of Epidemiology. (in press)


  1. Shiraishi I, Nishimura K, Sakaguchi H, Abe T, Kitano M, Kurosaki K, Kato H, Nakanishi T, Yamagishi H, Sagawa K, Ikeda Y, Morisaki T, Hoashi T, Kagisaki K, Ichikawa H. Acute rupture of chordae tendineae of the mitral valve in infants: a nationwide survey in Japan exploring a new syndrome. Circulation. 2014;130(13):1053-61.
  2. Shinjo H, Sato W, Imai E, Kosugi T, Hayashi H, Nishimura K, Nishiwaki K, Yuzawa Y, Matsuo S, Maruyama S. Comparison of kidney disease: improving global outcomes and acute kidney injury network criteria for assessing patients in intensive care units. Clinical and experimental nephrology. 2014;18(5):737-45.
  3. Sasaki Y, Ikeda T, Nishimura K, Katsuragi S, Sengoku K, Kusuda S, M. F. Association of antenatal corticosteroids and the mode of delivery with the mortality and morbidity of infants weighing less than 1,500g at birth in Japan. Neonatology 2014;106(2):81-6.
  4. Otoshi K, Takegami M, Sekiguchi M, Onishi Y, Yamazaki S, Otani K, Shishido H, Kikuchi S, Konno S. Association between kyphosis and subacromial impingement syndrome: LOHAS study. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons [et al]. 2014;23(12):e300-7.
  5. Noguchi T, Kawasaki T, Tanaka A, Yasuda S, Goto Y, Ishihara M, Nishimura K, Miyamoto Y, Node K, Koga N. High-intensity signals in coronary plaques on noncontrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging as a novel determinant of coronary events. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63(10):989-99.
  6. Nishimura K, Nakamura F, Takegami M, Fukuhara S, Nakagawara J, Ogasawara K, Ono J, Shiokawa Y, Miyachi S, Nagata I, Toyoda K, Matsuda S, Kataoka H, Miyamoto Y, Kitaoka K, Kada A, Iihara K, Group JAS. Cross-sectional survey of workload and burnout among Japanese physicians working in stroke care: the nationwide survey of acute stroke care capacity for proper designation of comprehensive stroke center in Japan (J-ASPECT) study. Circulation Cardiovascular quality and outcomes. 2014;7(3):414-22.
  7. Nakao YM, Ueshima K, Yasuno S, Sasayama S. Effects of nocturnal oxygen therapy in patients with chronic heart failure and central sleep apnea: CHF-HOT study. Heart Vessels. 2014 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print]
  8. Mizuhashi S, Kataoka H, Sano N, Ideguchi M, Higashi M, Miyamoto Y, Iihara K. Impact of diabetes mellitus on characteristics of carotid plaques and outcomes after carotid endarterectomy. Acta neurochirurgica. 2014;156(5):927-33. Epub 2014/03/19.
  9. Minakata K, Bando K, Tanaka S, Takanashi S, Konishi H, Miyamoto Y, Ueshima K, Yasuno S, Ueda Y, Okita Y, Masuda I, Okabayashi H, Yaku H, Okamura Y, Tanemoto K, Arinaga K, Hisashi Y, Sakata R. Preoperative Chronic Kidney Disease as a Strong Predictor of Postoperative Infection and Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Circ J. 2014;78(9):2225-31.
  10. Kurita N, Horie S, Yamazaki S, Otoshi K, Otani K, Sekiguchi M, Onishi Y, Takegami M, Ono R, Konno S, Kikuchi S, Fukuhara S. Low testosterone levels, depressive symptoms, and falls in older men: a cross-sectional study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2014;15(1):30-5.
  11. Kawarada O, Yasuda S, Nishimura K, Sakamoto S, Noguchi M, Takahi Y, Harada K, Ishihara M, Ogawa H. Effect of single tibial artery revascularization on microcirculation in the setting of critical limb ischemia. Circulation Cardiovascular interventions. 2014;7(5):684-91.
  12. Kataoka Y, Yasuda S, Miyamoto Y, Sase K, Kosuge M, Kimura K, Yoshimasa Y, Miyazaki S, Investigators DS. Clinical Predictors of Atheroma Progression Despite Optimal Glycemic Control in Early-Stage Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Insight from the DIANA Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2014;21(5):509-18.
  13. Ishii D, Satow T, Murao K, Nishimura K, Iihara K. Efficacy of cilostazol in prevention of bradycardia during carotid artery stenting. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2014;23(4):662-6.
  14. Iihara K, Nishimura K, Kada A, Nakagawara J, Toyoda K, Ogasawara K, Ono J, Shiokawa Y, Aruga T, Miyachi S, Nagata I, Matsuda S, Ishikawa KB, Suzuki A, Mori H, Nakamura F, Collaborators JAS. The impact of comprehensive stroke care capacity on the hospital volume of stroke interventions: a nationwide study in Japan: J-ASPECT study. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2014;23(5):1001-18.
  15. Iihara K, Nishimura K, Kada A, Nakagawara J, Ogasawara K, Ono J, Shiokawa Y, Aruga T, Miyachi S, Nagata I, Toyoda K, Matsuda S, Miyamoto Y, Suzuki A, Ishikawa KB, Kataoka H, Nakamura F, Kamitani S. Effects of comprehensive stroke care capabilities on in-hospital mortality of patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: J-ASPECT study. PloS one. 2014;9(5):e96819.
  16. Honda S, Asaumi Y, Yamane T, Nagai T, Miyagi T, Noguchi T, Anzai T, Goto Y, Ishihara M, Nishimura K, Ogawa H, Ishibashi-Ueda H, Yasuda S. Trends in the clinical and pathological characteristics of cardiac rupture in patients with acute myocardial infarction over 35 years. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2014;3(5):e000984.
  17. Haraguchi Y, Toh R, Hasokawa M, Nakajima H, Honjo T, Otsui K, Mori K, Miyamoto-Sasaki M, Shinohara M, Nishimura K, Ishida T, Hirata K. Serum myeloperoxidase/paraoxonase 1 ratio as potential indicator of dysfunctional high-density lipoprotein and risk stratification in coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis. 2014;234(2):288-94.
  18. Azuma M, Chin K, Yoshimura C, Takegami M, Takahashi K, Sumi K, Nakamura T, Nakayama-Ashida Y, Minami I, Horita S, Oka Y, Oga T, Wakamura T, Fukuhara S, Mishima M, Kadotani H. Associations among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sleep-disordered breathing in an urban male working population in Japan. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases. 2014;88(3):234-43.
  19. 三好剛一, 前野泰樹, 左合治彦, 稲村昇, 安河内聰, 川滝元良, 堀米仁志, 与田仁志, 竹田津未生, 生水真紀夫, 新居正基, 賀藤均, 萩原聡子, 尾本暁子, 白石公, 坂口平馬, 西村邦宏, 上田恵子, 桂木真司, 池田智明. 治療困難症例から学ぶ 心構造異常を伴う胎児徐脈性不整脈についての検討 胎児徐脈の胎児治療に関する現状調査2002-2008より. 日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌. 2014;50(1):136-8.


  1. Yokoyama Y, Nishimura K, Barnard ND, Takegami M, Watanabe M, Sekikawa A, Okamura T, Miyamoto Y. Vegetarian diets and blood pressure: a meta-analysis. JAMA internal medicine. 2014;174(4):577-87


  1. Takegami M, Yamazaki S, Greenhill A, Chang H, Fukuhara S. Work performance assessed by a newly developed Japanese version of the Work Limitation Questionnaire in a general Japanese adult population. J Occup Health. 2014;56(2):124-33.
  2. Nakamura M, Kayamori Y, Iso H, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Koyama I, Nishimura K, Nakai M, Noda H, Dasti M, Vesper HW, Miyamoto Y. LDL cholesterol performance of beta quantification reference measurement procedure. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry. 2014;431:288-93.
  3. Miida T, Nishimura K, Okamura T, Hirayama S, Ohmura H, Yoshida H, Miyashita Y, Ai M, Tanaka A, Sumino H, Murakami M, Inoue I, Kayamori Y, Nakamura M, Nobori T, Miyazawa Y, Teramoto T, Yokoyama S. Validation of homogeneous assays for HDL-cholesterol using fresh samples from healthy and diseased subjects. Atherosclerosis. 2014;233(1):253-9.


  1. Miyashita F, Yokota C, Nishimura K, Amano T, Inoue Y, Shigehatake Y, Sakamoto Y, Tani S, Narazaki H, Toyoda K, Nakazawa K, Minematsu K. The effectiveness of a stroke educational activity performed by a schoolteacher for junior high school students. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2014;23(6):1385-90.


  1. 岡山明, 奥田奈賀子, 中村幸志, 三浦克之, 安村誠司, 坂田清美, 日高秀樹, 岡村智教, 西村邦宏. 特定保健指導の効果評価と対照設定の方法に関する研究. 総合健診. 2014;41(3):418-27.


  1. Nakai M, Chen D, Nishimura K, Miyamoto Y. Comparative Study of Four Methods in Missing Value Imputations under Missing Completely at Random Mechanism. Open Journal of Statistics. 2014;4:27-37.


  1. Iwasaki Y, Suganami T, Hachiya R, Shirakawa I, Kim-Saijo M, Tanaka M, Hamaguchi M, Takai-Igarashi T, Nakai M, Miyamoto Y, Ogawa Y. Activating transcription factor 4 links metabolic stress to interleukin-6 expression in macrophages. Diabetes. 2014;63(1):152-61.
  1. Iwasaki Y, Suganami T, Hachiya R, Shirakawa I, Kim-Saijo M, Tanaka M, Hamaguchi M, Takai-Igarashi T, Nakai M, Miyamoto Y and Ogawa Y. Activating transcription factor 4 links metabolic stress to interleukin-6 expression in macrophages. Diabetes. 63, 152-161, 2014.
  2. Shiraishi I, Nishimura K, Sakaguchi H, Abe T, Kitano M, Kurosaki K, Kato H, Nakanishi T, Yamagishi H, Sagawa K, Ikeda Y, Morisaki T, Hoashi T, Kagisaki K and Ichikawa H. Acute Rupture of Chordae Tendineae of the Mitral Valve in Infants A Nationwide Survey in Japan Exploring a New Syndrome. Circulation. 130, 1053-1061, 2014.
  3. Iwashima Y, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Yoshimuta Y, Kida M, Kosaka T, Maeda Y, Kawano Y and Miyamoto Y. Additive Interaction of Oral Health Disorders on Risk of Hypertension in a Japanese Urban Population: The Suita Study. American Journal of Hypertension. 27, 710-719, 2014.
  4. Otoshi K, Takegami M, Sekiguchi M, Onishi Y, Yamazaki S, Otani K, Shishido H, Kikuchi S and Konno S. Association between kyphosis and subacromial impingement syndrome: LOHAS study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 23, E300-E307, 2014.
  5. Sasaki Y, Ikeda T, Nishimura K, Katsuragi S, Sengoku K, Kusuda S and Fujimura M. Association of Antenatal Corticosteroids and the Mode of Delivery with the Mortality and Morbidity of Infants Weighing Less than 1,500 g at Birth in Japan. Neonatology. 106, 81-86, 2014.
  6. Azuma M, Chin K, Yoshimura C, Takegami M, Takahashi K, Sumi K, Nakamura T, Nakayama-Ashida Y, Minami I, Horita S, Oka Y, Oga T, Wakamura T, Fukuhara S, Mishima M and Kadotani H. Associations among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Sleep-Disordered Breathing in an Urban Male Working Population in Japan. Respiration. 88, 234-243, 2014.
  7. Tsukinoki R, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Kokubo Y, Higashiyama A, Nishimura K, Takegami M, Murakami Y, Okayama A and Miyamoto Y. Blood Pressure, Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, and Incidences of Coronary Artery Disease and Ischemic Stroke in Japanese: The Suita Study. American Journal of Hypertension. 27, 1362-1369, 2014.
  8. Kataoka Y, Yasuda S, Miyamoto Y, Sase K, Kosuge M, Kimura K, Yoshimasa Y and Miyazaki S. Clinical Predictors of Atheroma Progression Despite Optimal Glycemic Control in Early-Stage Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Insight from the DIANA Study. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 21, 509-518, 2014.
  9. Nakai M, Chen D, Nishimura K and Miyamoto Y. Comparative Study of Four Methods in Missing Value Imputations under Missing Completely at Random Mechanism. Open Journal of Statistics. 4, 27-37, 2014.
  10. Shinjo H, Sato W, Imai E, Kosugi T, Hayashi H, Nishimura K, Nishiwaki K, Yuzawa Y, Matsuo S and Maruyama S. Comparison of Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes and Acute Kidney Injury Network criteria for assessing patients in intensive care units. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 18, 737-745, 2014.
  11. Kamitani S, Nishimura K, Nakamura F, Kada A, Nakagawara J, Toyoda K, Ogasawara K, Ono J, Shiokawa Y, Aruga T, Miyachi S, Nagata I, Matsuda S, Miyamoto Y, Iwata M, Suzuki A, Ishikawa KB, Kataoka H, Morita K, Kobayashi Y and Iihara K. Consciousness level and off-hour admission affect discharge outcome of acute stroke patients: a J-ASPECT study. Journal of the American Heart Association. 3, e001059, 2014.
  12. Miyamoto Y. Could Glucose Management After Acute Myocardial Infarction Cure Myocardial Damage?. Circulation Journal. 78, 67-68, 2014.
  13. Nishimura K, Nakamura F, Takegami M, Fukuhara S, Nakagawara J, Ogasawara K, Ono J, Shiokawa Y, Miyachi S, Nagata I, Toyoda K, Matsuda S, Kataoka H, Miyamoto Y, Kitaoka K, Kada A and Iihara K. Cross-Sectional Survey of Workload and Burnout Among Japanese Physicians Working in Stroke Care The Nationwide Survey of Acute Stroke Care Capacity for Proper Designation of Comprehensive Stroke Center in Japan (J-ASPECT) Study. Circulation:Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 7, 414-422, 2014.
  14. Inohara T, Kohsaka S, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Nakamura Y, Higashiyama A, Kadota A, Okuda N, Murakami Y, Ohkubo T, Miura K, Okayama A and Ueshima H. Cumulative impact of axial, structural, and repolarization ECG findings on long-term cardiovascular mortality among healthy individuals in Japan: National Integrated Project for Prospective Observation of Non-Communicable Disease and its Trends in the Aged, 1980 and 1990. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 21, 1501-1508, 2014.
  15. Kawarada O, Yasuda S, Nishimura K, Sakamoto S, Noguchi M, Takahi Y, Harada K, Ishihara M and Ogawa H. Effect of Single Tibial Artery Revascularization on Microcirculation in the Setting of Critical Limb Ischemia. Circulation:Cardiovascular Interventions. 7, 684-691, 2014.
  16. Iihara K, Nishimura K, Kada A, Nakagawara J, Ogasawara K, Ono J, Shiokawa Y, Aruga T, Miyachi S, Nagata I, Toyoda K, Matsuda S, Miyamoto Y, Suzuki A, Ishikawa KB, Kataoka H, Nakamura F and Kamitani S. Effects of Comprehensive Stroke Care Capabilities on In-Hospital Mortality of Patients with Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke: J-ASPECT Study. PLOS ONE. 9, , 2014.
  17. Ishii D Satow T, Murao K, Nishimura K, Iihara K. Efficacy of cilostazol in prevention of bradycardia during carotid artery stenting. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 23, 662-666, 2014.
  18. Yokoyama S, Ueshima H, Miida T, Nakamura M, Takata K, Fukukawa T, Goto T, Harada-Shiba M, Sano M, Kato K and Matsuda K. High-Density Lipoprotein Levels Have Markedly Increased Over the Past Twenty Years in Japan. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 21, 151-160, 2014.
  19. Noguchi T, Kawasaki T, Tanaka A, Yasuda S, Goto Y, Ishihara M, Nishimura K, Miyamoto Y, Node K and Koga N. High-Intensity Signals in Coronary Plaques on Noncontrast T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Novel Determinant of Coronary Events. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 63, 989-999, 2014.
  20. Mizuhashi S, Kataoka H, Sano N, Ideguchi M, Higashi M, Miyamoto Y and Iihara K. Impact of diabetes mellitus on characteristics of carotid plaques and outcomes after carotid endarterectomy. Acta Neurochirurgica. 156, 927-933, 2014.
  21. Nakamura M, Kayamori Y, Iso H, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Koyama I, Nishimura K, Nakai M, Noda H, Dasti M, Vesper HW and Miyamoto Y. LDL cholesterol performance of beta quantification reference measurement procedure. Clinica Chimica Acta. 431, 288-293, 2014.
  22. Kurita N, Horie S, Yamazaki S, Otoshi K, Otani K, Sekiguchi M, Onishi Y, Takegami M, Ono R, Konno S, Kikuchi S and Fukuhara S. Low Testosterone Levels, Depressive Symptoms, and Falls in Older Men: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 15, 30-35, 2014.
  23. Makita N, Yagihara N, Crotti L, Johnson CN, Beckmann BM, Roh MS, Shigemizu D, Lichtner P, Ishikawa T, Aiba T, Homfray T, Behr ER, Klug D, Denjoy I, Mastantuono E, Theisen D, Tsunoda T, Satake W, Toda T, Nakagawa H, Tsuji Y, Tsuchiya T, Yamamoto H, Miyamoto Y, Endo N, Kimura A, Ozaki K, Motomura H, Suda K, Tanaka T, Schwartz PJ, Meitinger T, Kaab S, Guicheney P, Shimizu W, Bhuiyan ZA, Watanabe H, Chazin WJ and George AL. Novel Calmodulin Mutations Associated With Congenital Arrhythmia Susceptibility. Circulation:Cardiovascular Genetics. 7, 466-U209, 2014.
  24. Nishimura K, Okamura T, Watanabe M, Nakai M, Takegami M, Higashiyama A, Kokubo Y, Okayama A and Miyamoto Y. Predicting Coronary Heart Disease Using Risk Factor Categories for a Japanese Urban Population, and Comparison with the Framingham Risk Score: The Suita Study. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 21, 784-798, 2014.
  25. Minakata K, Bando K, Tanaka S, Takanashi S, Konishi H, Miyamoto Y, Ueshima K, Yasuno S, Ueda Y, Okita Y, Masuda I, Okabayashi H, Yaku H, Okamura Y, Tanemoto K, Arinaga K, Hisashi Y and Sakata R. Preoperative Chronic Kidney Disease as a Strong Predictor of Postoperative Infection and Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Circulation Journal. 78, 2225-2231, 2014.
  26. Kosaka T, Kokubo Y, Ono T, Sekine S, Kida M, Kikui M, Yamamoto M, Watanabe M, Amano A, Maeda Y and Miyamoto Y. Salivary inflammatory cytokines may be novel markers of carotid atherosclerosis in a Japanese general population: The Suita study. Atherosclerosis. 237, 123-128, 2014.
  27. Haraguchi Y, Toh R, Hasokawa M, Nakajima H, Honjo T, Otsui K, Mori K, Miyamoto-Sasaki M, Shinohara M, Nishimura K, Ishida T and Hirata K. Serum myeloperoxidase/paraoxonase 1 ratio as potential indicator of dysfunctional high-density lipoprotein and risk stratification in coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis. 234, 288-294, 2014.
  28. Sakamoto Y, Kokubo Y, Toyoda K, Watanabe M, Tanigawa T and Miyamoto Y. Sleep-disordered breathing is associated with elevated human atrial natriuretic peptide levels in a Japanese urban population: the Suita study. International Journal of Cardiology. 173, 334-335, 2014.
  29. Kosaka T, Ono T, Yoshimuta Y, Kida M, Kikui M, Nokubi T, Maeda YO, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M and Miyamoto Y. The effect of periodontal status and occlusal support on masticatory performance: the Suita study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 41, 497-503, 2014.
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