

予防健診部では、平成元年に吹田市住民から無作為に抽出した方を対象に、吹田コホート研究を実施しており、また、脂質基準分析室は、日本及びアジアの脂質検査の標準化事業の拠点として機能している。他に、国内での共同研究としては、EPOC-JAPAN、NIPPON DATAコホート、厚生労働省メタボリックシンドローム研究班などの多施設コホート研究を実施し、循環器病の発症及び死亡の危険因子に関する研究を実施している。

国外との共同研究としては、日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))「慢性閉塞性肺疾患と冠動脈動脈硬化の共通リスク要因に関する国際比較研究」(研究代表者 宮本恵宏)において、日米の循環器病やCOPDの違いについてピッツバーグ大学と共同研究を進めている。


吹田研究において、コホート研究として、腹囲身長比と循環器疾患発症との関連(J Epidemiol. 2013 ;23:351-9)、飲酒・高血圧と循環器疾患発症との関連(Hypertens Res. 2013; 36:58-64)Small dense LDLと循環器疾患症との関連(J Atheroscler Thromb. 2013:20:195-203)について、また、横断研究として、慢性腎臓病と頸動脈硬化との関連(Stroke. 2013; 44:3537-9)について、明らかにした。

また、NIPPONDATA80から心電図の上室性期外収縮と循環器死亡との関連(Journal of electrocardiology. 2013;4
6(4):360-5)、NIPPONDATA90から心電図の脚ブロックと循環器死亡との関連(PloS one. 2013;8(11):e80853)につ

  1. Miyamoto Y. Could glucose management after acute myocardial infarction cure myocardial damage?. Circ J. 78, 67-68, 2013.
  2. Nakatani S, Mitsutake K, Ohara T, Kokubo Y, Yamamoto H, Hanai S and CADRE Investigators. Recent Picture of Infective Endocarditis in Japan-Lessons From Cardiac Disease Registration (CADRE-IE). Circ J. 77, 1558-1564, 2013.
  3. Kokubo Y. Carotid atherosclerosis in kidney disease. Contrib Nephrol. 179, 35-41, 2013.
  4. Yamagishi K, Iso H, Kokubo Y, Saito I, Yatsuya H, Ishihara J, Inoue M, Tsugane S and Study Group Jphc. Dietary intake of saturated fatty acids and incident stroke and coronary heart disease in Japanese communities: the JPHC Study. Eur Heart J. 34, 1225-1232, 2013.
  5. Higashiyama A. Okamura T., Watanabe M., Kokubo Y., Wakabayashi I., Okayama A. and Miyamoto Y. Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease incidence in men with and without hypertension: the Suita study. Hypertens Res. 36, 58-64, 2013.
  6. Ohara T, Nakatani S, Kokubo Y, Yamamoto H, Mitsutake K, Hanai S and Cadre investigators. Clinical predictors of in-hospital death and early surgery for infective endocarditis: results of CArdiac Disease REgistration (CADRE), a nation-wide survey in Japan. Int J Cardiol. 167, 2688-2694, 2013.
  7. Terasaki F, Morita H, Harada-Shiba M, Ohta N, Otsuka K, Nogi S, Miyamura M, Suzuki S, Ito T, Shimomura H, Katsumata T, Miyamoto Y and Ishizaka N. Familial hypercholesterolemia with multiple large tendinous xanthomas and advanced coronary artery atherosclerosis. Intern Med. 52, 577-581, 2013.
  8. Nakamura Y, Okamura T, Inohara T, Kohsaka S, Watanabe M, Higashiyama A, Kadota A, Okuda N, Ohkubo T, Nagasawa S. Y, Miura K, Okayama A, Ueshima H and Research Group Nippon Data. Prognostic values of bundle branch blocks for cardiovascular mortality in Japanese (24year follow-up of NIPPON DATA80). J Electrocardiol. 46, 360-365, 2013.
  9. Nakamura M, Kiyama M, Kitamura A, Ishikawa Y, Sato S, Noda H and Yoshiike N. Revised system to evaluate measurement of blood chemistry data from the Japanese National Health and Nutrition Survey and Prefectural Health and Nutrition Surveys. J Epidemiol. 23, 28-34, 2013.
  10. Tatsumi Y, Watanabe M, Kokubo Y, Nishimura K, Higashiyama A, Okamura T, Okayama A and Miyamoto Y. Effect of age on the association between waist-to-height ratio and incidence of cardiovascular disease: the Suita study. J Epidemiol. 23, 351-359, 2013.
  11. Sekikawa A, J Willcox B., T. Usui, J Carr J., J. Barinas-Mitchell E., H. Masaki K., Watanabe M, P. Tracy R., H. Bertolet M., W. Evans R., Nishimura K, K. Sutton-Tyrrell, H. Kuller L. and Miyamoto Y. Do differences in risk factors explain the lower rates of coronary heart disease in Japanese versus U.S. women?. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 22, 966-977, 2013.
  12. Arai H, Kokubo Y, Watanabe M, Sawamura T, Ito Y, Minagawa A, Okamura T and Miyamato Y. Small Dense Low-Density Lipoproteins Cholesterol can Predict Incident Cardiovascular Disease in an Urban Japanese Cohort: The Suita Studyl. J Atheroscler Thromb. 20, 195-203, 2013.
  13. Yamashita T, Makino H, Nakatani R, Ohata Y, Miyamoto Y and Kishimoto I. Renal Insufficiency without Albuminuria is Associated with Peripheral Artery Atherosclerosis and Lipid Metabolism Disorders in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. J Atheroscler Thromb. 20, 790-797, 2013.
  14. Ikehara S, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Kokubo Y, Saito I, Yatsuya H, Inoue M, Tsugane S and Study Group Jphc. Alcohol consumption and risk of stroke and coronary heart disease among Japanese women: the Japan Public Health Center-based prospective study. Prev Med. 57, 505-510, 2013.
  15. Kokubo Y, Iso H, Saito I, Yamagishi K, Yatsuya H, Ishihara J, Inoue M and Tsugane S. The impact of green tea and coffee consumption on the reduced risk of stroke incidence in Japanese population: the Japan public health center-based study cohort. Stroke. 44, 1369-1374, 2013.
  16. Ohara T, Kokubo Y, Toyoda K, Watanabe M, Koga M, Nakamura S, Nagatsuka K, Minematsu K, Nakagawa M and Y. Miyamoto. Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Carotid Atherosclerosis According to Blood Pressure Category: The Suita Study. Stroke. 44, 3537-3539, 2013.
  17. Yatsuya H, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Kokubo Y, Saito I, Suzuki K, Sawada N, Inoue M and Tsugane S. Development of a point-based prediction model for the incidence of total stroke: Japan public health center study. Stroke. 44, 1295-1302, 2013.